AMOSUP concluded last 20 October 2010 negotiations with the Dutch Shipowners’ Association (a three-member organization of shipowners and employers – Sociaal Maritiem Werkgeversverbond, Vereniging van Wergevers in de Handelsvaart and the Netherlands Maritime Employers’ Association). Also represented in the process was Nautilus International, AMOSUP’s affiliate under the ITF umbrella. AMOSUP was represented by its Executive Vice President, Dr. Conrado F. Oca while Mr. Hylke Hylkema signed for Nautilus International.
The unions successfully negotiated wage increases for all Filipino officers and ratings serving on board Dutch-owned and controlled vessels. Additionally, a working group has been established with representatives from all parties, to discuss the proposed new model ship wage scale concept which will pave the way for an acceptable standardized compensation package for officers and ratings. Also, agreements will be unified to have a single joint agreement for both officers and ratings serving in vessels of the association.
AMOSUP’s Dutch agreements cover 488 vessels and a crew of about 2,300 Filipino officers and ratings. Since 1992, and yearly thereafter, the union has negotiated with the Dutch Shipowners Association to provide its members adequate protection, enhance social benefits and reasonable wages.
The renewed collective bargaining agreement shall remain valid until 31 December 2012, with a reopening clause before its expiration.